Friday, May 1, 2015

Jump Around: Jump Rope for Heart Health

Need a killer warmup or a quick cardio blast? Get jumpin' with this heart healthy workout. All you need is a jump rope, which you can find for about $10.

I recommend weighted handles and plastic wire; pass on those poor quality wooden handles and nylon ropes.

Best Value: Valeo
Worst Value: Denise Austin

Using a timer, watch, sun dial, whatever, go for four rounds as follows:

2 minutes jump rope

30 seconds rest 

2  minutes jump rope

30 seconds rest

1 minute jump rope

30 seconds rest 

1 minute jump rope

This routine is less than 8 minutes and will leave you heaving with deep breaths. There are multiple variations you can use, such as the double hop, running man, hip twist, reverse swing and many more. To increase difficulty, double the time increments to four minute sets and two minute sets.

If done properly, jump rope has less impact than jogging.

Jump rope benefits: 
Weight Loss
Increased Cardiovascular Fitness
Improved Muscle Tone

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